Travel Clinic

Travel Vaccines

Travel vaccines are no longer part of General Practice. Patients who require travel advice or vaccinations should contact one of the private travel clinics. Please be aware that charges will apply.

General practitioners are not responsible for prescriptions of items required for conditions which may arise while travelling, for example travel sickness or diarrhoea. Patients should be advised to purchase these items from community pharmacies prior to travel.

Please note that travelling abroad for business purposes is usually the remit of the employer’s Occupational Health Service

Healthy Travel Leaflet

You may find the following leaflet helpful when making your travel arrangements.

Advice on Malaria will be given.

Please download and print our useful guide below about Mosquito advice.

Hepatitis immunisation

Immunisation against infectious Hepatitis (Hepatitis A) is available free of charge on the NHS in connection with travel abroad. However Hepatitis B is not routinely available free of charge and therefore you may be charged for this vaccination when requested in connection with travel abroad.

Useful Links